M33 combined 6cm+20cm catalog description (2018 March 04)

Catalog Download Links
Radio Text catalog:catalog_2018Mar04.txt.gz
Radio FITS catalog:catalog_2018Mar04.fits
Radio Islands (segmentation) image: m33-fixbeam-islands-2018mar04.fits.gz
Detection image:m33-fixbeam-combined-filter-2018mar04.fits

SNR Text catalog:catalogsnr_2018Mar04.txt.gz
SNR FITS catalog:catalogsnr_2018Mar04.fits
SNR Islands image:m33-snr-islands-2018feb01.fits.gz

H II Text catalog:cataloghii_2018Mar04.txt.gz
H II FITS catalog:cataloghii_2018Mar04.fits
H II Islands image:m33-hii-islands-2018feb01.fits.gz

X-ray Text catalog:catalogxray_2018Mar04.txt.gz
X-ray FITS catalog:catalogxray_2018Mar04.fits
X-ray Islands image:m33-xray-islands-2018feb01.fits.gz

Source detection and fitting

The 6cm+20cm detection image was created by averaging the entire 6cm and 20cm bandpasses. The 20cm high and low frequency images were used, and 14 of the 16 125-MHz channels from the 6cm observations were used. (6cm channels 1 and 2 were contaminated by interference.) The 6cm and 20cm bands are equally weighted in the combined image. That's not optimal for a typical extragalactic source (which has a power law spectrum nu**alpha with alpha=-0.7) but is a reasonably "spectrum-neutral" weighting for the source detection. The resulting source lists do not appear to be a strong function of the weighting.

For this version of the catalog, the images at all frequencies were convolved to a fixed round beam with FWHM 5.9 arcsec. That reduces the resolution of the final image, but it improves the consistency of the multi-resolution filtering step. It also should produce much more accurate spectral indices when integrated over islands, where some fraction of the light might be spilling over the edges of the islands. So I think this should produce more accurate flux densities and (especially) spectral indices than the previous catalog.

A multi-resolution (median pyramid) image processing algorithm was used both for source detection and to subtract the background from the image to make the source detection threshold more uniform. The images without background subtraction can be compared to the original summed image to see the effect of the background subtraction.

The island map (segmentation map) shows where sources where detected. The numbers in the island map correspond to the "Island" field in the catalog. Islands were detected by thresholding the multi-resolution image. Islands detected at more than one resolution are merged. It is possible for several sources detected separately at high resolution to be embedded in one larger source at low resolution; in that case the morphology and sizes of the high-resolution islands are used to determine how to break the large island into pieces. The FITS file with the island numbers is available for download above.

This version does not include Gaussian fits to the flux distribution within the islands. It integrates the fluxes within islands. This can dramatically increase the noise compared with Gaussian fits in some cases. For example, when a point source (FWHM = 5.9 arcsec) is embedded within a broad halo, an unweighted summation over the island adds a lot of noise from the extended halo region even if it does not contribute much to the flux. A Gaussian fit, in contrast, weights the pixels with flux much more heavily and effectively ignores the broad component. The result is much lower noise on the integrated flux density from the Gaussian.

However, the total flux determined from the Gaussian fits is likely to be quite inaccurate (and biased to be underestimated) compared with the island integrated fluxes. That is why we have dropped the Gaussian parameters. But to recover some of the benefits of flux weighting, we have created a fully multiresolution detection algorithm that divides the image up into a stack of images with varying resolution. The islands for a source are determined in each resolution channel, and the flux for that channel is integrated using only the pixels from the same channel. The effect is to use the noisiest, high-resolution structures only over small regions, and to use smoothed, lower-noise channels for low resolution structures. This reduces the noise in the integrated flux densities significantly while retaining a summation that adapts to any flux distribution within the image. The island boundaries in each channel are determined using the FellWalker clump-finding algorithm.

The integrated flux densities are computed over matching images for 4 frequency bands (splitting the 20cm and 6cm bands in half). Then spectral indices are determined by fitting a power law to the 4 band fluxes. The moments in the island are used to determine the flux-weighted source position and major and minor axes (FWHM) of the equivalent elliptical Gaussian. Note that these sizes include the round 5.9 arcsec FWHM beam size. For an unresolved source the size will be approximately equal to 5.9 arcsec. Note that the size is not constrained to be larger than this value; sources with sizes smaller than the beam PSF will have integrated fluxes smaller than their peak fluxes.

The catalog also includes integrated and peak fluxes for the island computed from the detection image. The peak is just the brightest pixel in the island, and the integrated flux is the sum of all the flux within the island with a PSF-dependent correction factor (close to unity) for flux that spills outside the island. The same multi-resolution integration scheme is used for these detection image flux densities.

The images with islands overlaid show the positions of the sources. Red islands have source entries in the catalog; yellow islands either are too faint (less than 4-sigma) or failed in fitting, usually because the region was crowded.

When islands touch, the Gaussian fits to all the islands in the group are carried out simultaneously, so the effects of overlapping sources is properly included. That is an improvement over the previous version of the catalog. The resulting fits in crowded regions are much improved over the older catalog.

SNR, H II region, and X-ray catalogs

For the SNR, H II region, and X-ray catalogs, an island map is created using the size (and ellipticity, if available) of the external catalog. The island is padded to account for the 5.9 arcsec FWHM radio PSF. Then the radio flux density is integrated over the island. No attempt is made to fit a Gaussian source model in this case, since these islands are not necessarily centered on peaks in the radio maps. So the catalogs are somewhat simpler, with only the island flux density information and no size or fit data.

Catalog column descriptions

The 2018Mar04 M33 radio catalog from 6cm+20cm data includes 1886 sources, all of which are detected at 4-sigma or greater in island or in spectral index fit. It includes information about associated SNRs, H II regions and X-ray sources. The catalog was searched for radio sources that fall below the 4-sigma threshold but have associated matches with the other catalogs, but no such objects were found.

The catalog is available for download in text or FITS format. The text catalog has comments at the top that describe the contents. Here is a description of the columns in the text catalog:

Radio catalog columns
1NameRadio source name = W18-nnnn for island number nnn
2RA2000RA (hh:mm:ss.sss)
3Dec2000Declination (hh:mm:ss.sss)
4RA_deg(deg) RA
5Dec_deg(deg) Declination
6X(pixels) Flux-weighted X pixel position
7Y(pixels) Flux-weighted Y pixel position
8Fint(uJy) Flux at mean frequency nu0 = 3.36125 GHz
9FiErr(uJy) Error on Fint
10SpindSpectral index, Fnu = Fint*(nu/nu0)**Spind
11SpErrError on SpErr
12chisqChi-square for power-law fit to flux values in 4 bands
13major(arcsec) Major axis FWHM (fitted, includes Gaussian beam with FWHM = 5.9 arcsec)
14minor(arcsec) Minor axis FWHM (fitted, includes Gaussian beam with FWHM = 5.9 arcsec)
15PA(deg) Position angle of major axis
16IslandIsland number (integer)
17NpixNumber of pixels in island
18Isl_Fp(uJy) Peak pixel in island
19I_Fpsig(uJy) Noise in Isl_Fp
20Isl_Fi(uJy) Integrated flux in island
21I_Fisig(uJy) Noise in Isl_Fi
22SflgSNR detection flag
23S_name1Name of associated SNR(s)
24S_name2Name of associated SNR(s)
25S_name3Name of associated SNR(s)
26HflgH II detection flag
27H_name1Name of associated H II region(s)
28H_name2Name of associated H II region(s)
29H_name3Name of associated H II region(s)
30XflgX-ray detection flag
31X_name1Name of associated X-ray source(s)
32X_name2Name of associated X-ray source(s)
33X_name3Name of associated X-ray source(s)
34X_name4Name of associated X-ray source(s)

The flag columns

The flag columns are intended to help make sense of cases with multiple matches (which are fairly common in this very crowded field). Multiple matches are listed in order of decreasing island overlap, so when the first match is considered most likely to be correct. The detection flags (Rflg, Sflg, Hflg, Xflg) are bit flags where the bits are described below.

Flag columns
1This source has at least one match in the external catalog.
2Unambiguous match: this source matches only one object from external catalog.
8Mutually good match (this source best for the other object, the other object is best for the source).

These values are combined when a match satisfies more than one criterion. The most reliable matches will have flag bit 8 set. All of those will have bit 1 set as well, and most of them will also have bit 2 set. So the best matches have flag = 11, and most of the flag = 9 matches are also reliable. Flag values smaller than 9 indicate confusion about the best match, so the association should be treated with caution.

Here is the distribution of the various flag values in the radio catalog:

Flag Distribution in Radio Catalog
Value Sflg Hflg Xflg
0 1745 1629 1569
1 0 0 1
3 18 13 16
9 17 24 23
11 106 220 277

For many purposes we can choose samples that are not confused by excluding objects that have flag values other than 0, 9 or 11.

SNR, H II region, and X-ray catalog column descriptionss

The region catalogs (for SNRs, H II regions, and X-ray sources) have similar columns. Additional fields are added giving information about the radio catalog (along with the other external catalogs). The columns are slightly different for all 3 catalogs (because, e.g., the SNR catalog does not have "self-links" for SNRs, and the number of columns for associated objects can differ), but here is the description for the SNR region catalog:

SNR region catalog columns
1NameSNR source name
2RA2000RA (hh:mm:ss.sss)
3Dec2000Declination (hh:mm:ss.sss)
4RA_deg(deg) RA
5Dec_deg(deg) Declination
6X(pixels) X pixel position of fitted peak
7Y(pixels) Y pixel position of fitted peak
8Fint(uJy) Flux at mean frequency nu0 = 3.36125 GHz
9FiErr(uJy) Error on Fint
10SpindSpectral index, Fnu = Fint*(nu/nu0)**Spind
11SpErrError on SpErr
12IslandIsland number (integer)
13Isl_Fp(uJy) Peak pixel in island
14I_Fpsig(uJy) Noise in Isl_Fp
15Isl_Fi(uJy) Integrated flux in island
16I_Fisig(uJy) Noise in Isl_Fi
17RflgRadio detection flag
18R_name1Name of associated radio source(s)
19R_name2Name of associated radio source(s)
20R_name3Name of associated radio source(s)
21R_name4Name of associated radio source(s)
22HflgH II detection flag
23H_name1Name of associated H II region(s)
24H_name2Name of associated H II region(s)
25XflgX-ray detection flag
26X_name1Name of associated X-ray source(s)
27X_name2Name of associated X-ray source(s)

Richard L. White, rlw@stsci.edu
2018 March 04