FIRST Survey 95Jan06 Catalog

This is the description of the 1995 January 6 FIRST catalog. It has been replaced by a newer catalog. Old released versions of the FIRST catalog are made available for archival purposes for the benefit of those who have already started research programs based on those catalogs. The newest version is always preferred for new projects.

See the catalog history for information on changes in the various FIRST catalogs.

A catalog containing 26,892 sources from the 1993 observations is currently available as a compressed ASCII file (catalog_95jan06.bin.Z). Please be warned that this is not a final catalog; it is being made available as a service to the astronomical community, but it still has some shortcomings.

The catalog is sorted by right ascension and has the following format:

    RA  (2000)   Dec         Fpeak      Fint    RMS    Maj   Min   PA  Field Name
07 14 46.828 +30 49 57.18     1.94      2.73   0.139   4.8   1.8  91.3 07150+30456
07 14 50.117 +30 38 12.77     5.39      4.90   0.150   0.0   0.0   0.0 07150+30456
07 14 55.492 +30 44 28.42     0.99      0.98   0.131   0.0   0.0   0.0 07150+30456
07 14 55.951 +30 41 28.81     0.77      1.49   0.134   6.4   4.0 160.2 07150+30456
07 15 11.496 +30 38 57.21    35.61     40.99   0.139   3.0   0.4  57.9 07150+30456
Fpeak, Fint, and RMS are the peak flux density, integrated flux density, and a local noise estimate at the source position, all measured in mJy. Maj, Min, and PA give the major and minor axes (FWHM) and position angle (degrees east of north) of an elliptical Gaussian model for the source. The Field Name is the name of the coadded image (available through several archives) containing the source.

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Richard L. White,
1996 May 28